Gnosis Journal

(An International Journal of English Language and Literature)
Included in the UGC Approved List of Journals
with Journal Number 48815

Prof. Mark Kamrath

Mark L. Kamrath is General Editor of the Charles Brockden Brown Electronic Archive and Scholarly Edition and Co-Director of the Center for Humanities and Digital Research, University of Central Florida. He teaches early American literature to 1865, the American novel to the Civil War, Native American literature, and courses in bibliography and research as well as digital humanities. He co-edited the Letters and Early Epistolary Writings, Volume 1 of the Collected Writings of Charles Brockden Brown, Bucknell University Press (2013), and has developed with Philip Barnard and others an XML-based archive of all Brown's writings that incorporates TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) standards. He is a member of the Steering Committee and the Executive Council for the Florida Digital Humanities Consortium. He has also served as an MLA Committee on Scholarly Editions Inspector, and as a grant panelist for the National Endowment for the Humanities.  He is currently co-editing a volume of Brown's political pamphlets, and doing research on the body, nature, and natural rights.