Gnosis Journal

(An International Journal of English Language and Literature)
Included in the UGC Approved List of Journals
with Journal Number 48815

Prof. Jaydeep Sarangi

Prof. Jaydeep Sarangi, anchored in Kolkata, is a bilingual writer, academic, editor, interviewer, translator and author of a number of significant publications on Postcolonial issues, Indian Writing in English, Australian Literature, Marginal literatures and Creative Writing in reputed journals/magazines in India and abroad. He is in the editorial board of several refereed journals in different continents including Mascara Literary Review (Australia), Virtuoso(Hyderabad),Cavalcade (Nigeria), Pegasus (Agra), The Okigbo Review (Nigeria), Unheard Melody, Prosopisia(Ajmer), Labyrinth(Gwalior),Indian Journal of World Literature and Culture (Bhubaneswar), IJPCL (Kerala), Scholastic International Journal of Language and Literature (Chennai), ArsArtium, (Ghaziabad),Conjunctions– An International Refereed Journal of Language, Literature & Culture(Jalandhar),etc..He edits "New Fiction Journal" (ISSN 0978 – 6863) and one of the Editors of "Writers Editors Critics",the Vice President of GIEWEC (Guild of Indian English Writers, Editors and Critics, head office at Kerala. Sarangi has delivered keynote addresses in several national and international seminars and conferences. Widely anthologised and reviewed as a poet, he authors four poetry collections in English and one in Bengali. His latest book of poems in English, a Door-Somewhere? was released at the University of Rzeszow, Poland in the Summer 2014.
