Gnosis Journal

(An International Journal of English Language and Literature)
Included in the UGC Approved List of Journals
with Journal Number 48815


The Articles/research papers not exceeding 3000-3500 words on A4 size paper and adhering to 8th Edition MLA style formatting with a certificate that the article /paper is original and unpublished are solicited. The Articles/research papers should be accompanied with an abstract along with 4-5 key words.


Please attach a brief bio-note & home address with Pin code along with the paper.


Along with the article please send the Plagiarism report of the article duly checked in Plagiarism software like: Turn it in or Viper.


Areas of Research: English Language and Literature, Comparative Literature, Translation Studies and Cultural Studies.


The last date of submission for October 2023 issue is September 15, 2023.


Please mail your submissions to: /

