Gnosis Journal

(An International Journal of English Language and Literature)
Included in the UGC Approved List of Journals
with Journal Number 48815

About the Journal


GNOSIS is a Refereed and Double blind peer Review Print journal which publishes theoretical and research articles on English Literature and Language Quarterly. GNOSIS encourages fresh insights into new and established authors and texts and seeks to generate a serious debate on different multidisciplinary academic issues. We also encourage literary contributions in the form of original as well as translated poetry and fiction, book reviews and author interviews.


The opinions expressed in the articles and other contents appearing in the journal are purely those of the respective authors' and in no way reflect the opinions of the editors. Authors submitting their work for publication in GNOSIS are responsible for getting approval for copyrighted material they use in their articles. GNOSIS should not be held responsible for any infringement of copyright laws for the published content.


Peer Review Process
We follow a strict double-blind reviewing of the submitted works that is we promise to conceal always the identity of both the reviewers and the author from each other. If any submitted article fails to fulfill primary standards, it will be rejected and the author will be communicated the decision promptly. If the editors are satisfied, they will select two or more reviewers for detailed consideration of the articles. The editors may advise the author to revise the article for publication.
