Gnosis Journal

(An International Journal of English Language and Literature)
Included in the UGC Approved List of Journals
with Journal Number 48815

Basudhara Roy

Dr. Basudhara Roy is Assistant Professor in the Department of English, Karim City College, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand. She has been a gold medalist of Banaras Hindu University, a Junior Research Fellow and a recipient of the Merit Award for Excellence in Academics by the Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund, New Delhi. Her areas of interest are postmodern criticism, diaspora theory and cultural studies. Several of her research papers have been accepted and published in reputed academic journals within the country. She has also been published as a creative writer in magazines such as Muse India, Rupkatha, The Challenge, I-mantra, The Volcano, Cerebration and on the Zee Jaipur Literature Festival Blog.
