Gnosis Journal

(An International Journal of English Language and Literature)
Included in the UGC Approved List of Journals
with Journal Number 48815

Kiran Arora

Dr. Kiran Arora is Retd. Principal, PCM SD College for Women, Jalandhar. She has more than 30 years of teaching experience. 

International/National Awards, Fellowships & research Projects funded by Govt. of India:

• Long term fellowship of working in Central European University Budapest Hungary
• Recipient of Indo Hungarian Scholarship against International Educational Exchange Program.
• Research Project worth Rs One Lakh Forty Thousand sanctioned by University Grants Commission, Delhi for research in Indian Literature.

Nominated for Awards:

• ‘Best Citizens of India Award’ 
• ‘Bharatiya Shiksha Ratan Award’ 
• ‘Best Educationist Award’
• 'Rajeev Gandhi Education Excellence Award' 
• 'Golden Educationist of India Award' 
• 'Mother Taressa Sadbhawna Award' 
• 'Vidya Rattan Award ' 
• Global Education Leadership Award
• Glory of Education Excellence Award
