Dr. Saikat Banerjee is Assistant Professor, Department English, St. Xavier's College, Ranchi. He is the editor of the journal GNOSIS (An International Journal of English Language & Literature).He is a life member of FCT (Forum For Contemporary Theory) Baroda,. GIEWEC (Guild of Indian Writers, Editors & Critics), and RASE (Rajasthan Association for Studies in English) and has participated in many National and International seminars and conferences and is actively engaged in research work. He has authored 5 books. He has presented and published several research papers in journals of world repute. His areas of interest are British Literature, Indian Literature, Post-colonial Literature, Gender studies and British, American & Indian Short story writings. He also served as reviewer for esteemed literary international journals like Sage Open and Applied Linguistics Research Journal.
Email: gnosisprintjournal@gmail.com, saikatenglish2013@gmail.com